For claiming work related motor vehicle expense (log book method):

  • Maintain a log book recording the petrol expenses
  • Receipts for expenses such as services, repairs, tyres maintenance etc.,
  • Home to work and return travel is generally not claimable except in certain circumstances. Travel between jobs on the same day and travel for work (i.e. visiting clients, doing pick-ups or deliveries) would be claimable. While using public transport, keep all receipts and/or diary records/log book. If you use your own car then you need to keep a record of all business mileage travel. You should also record expenses of the car including petrol, repairs, registration, insurance and interest on a car loan.
  • Credit card slip /Bpay/ email receipts having information like date, supplier, nature of the goods and the amount is accepted as a receipt.
  • Documentary evidence should be kept for five years from the date of lodgement of the tax return in which the claims are made.
  • Maintain records/receipts with regard to the expenses incurred in replacing, insuring and repairing tools and equipment of trade that are used as your main income for claiming expenditure
  • Only study directly related to your current job may be claimed as a self-education expense. (however, an education expense that gets you a New Role / Job is cannot be treated as Self Education Expense).